induced current vs time graph~

2010-08-04 1:54 am
induced current vs time graph~ 請有心人幫幫手,唔該!呢個問題困擾左我好耐!

我唔識分lee三隻graph,as follows.
1. 係某一段時間內,induced i is steady,graph所顯示既係一條平線.
2.係某一段時間內,induced i is not steady and increases at a constant rate,graph所顯示既係一條斜線.
3.係某一段時間內,induced i is not steady and increases at a non-uniform rate,graph所顯示既係一條曲線.

天同知識長, 下面既陳述符合你所講既其他情形in case 2嗎? Assume XYZ is a small right-angled triangular metal frame moving with a constant velocity across a rectangular region PQRS with a uniform magnetic field pointing into the paper. Thank you very much! U help me a lot!! 你可唔可以SD你既MSN OR E-mail address俾我呀?我想有人可以幫到我,唔該~

回答 (1)

2010-08-04 4:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assume, in a simple example, that a metallic straight rod is moving horizontally across a magnetic field with field lines vertically downward, such that the velocity of the rod is both normal to the longitudinal axis of the rod and the field line direction. In other words, the length of the rod, field lines and velocity vector are mutually perpendicular.

The rod is connected to an external circuit so that current could flow if there exist and induced emf.

1. This happens when the rod is moving at a constant speed across a constant (in time) and uniform (in space) magnetic field. The induced emf is constant and hence the induced current is also constant independent of time.

2. This happens when the rod is under a constant acceleration, such that its speed increases linearly with time. Since induced emf is proportional to the speed of the rod, hence the induced emf increases linearly with time.
Another scenario is that the rod is moving at constant speed, but at a field with strength that increases (or decreases) uniformly in space. The induced emf and induced current thus increases uniformly with time.

3. Either the rod is moving with a non-uniform acceleration in a uniform field or the field strength increases (or decreases) in a non-uniform rate in space. Under such situation, the induced emf and current increases in a non-uniform rate.

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