英文 15點

2010-08-03 10:54 pm
high的comparative 同 superlative
excited的comparative 同 superlative

A. countable的塡``c" uncountable的塡``u"
cheese__ socks__ scarf__ watch__ skirt__ milk__
handbag__ bread__

B. Write the following items with the correct units.
1.___________(coke) 2.__________(sugar) 3.___________(furniture)

How many/much have you bought?

We have our 1. _______holidays in 2. _________ .we will go shopping in japan.(APRIL)

It's really cold this year.Iwill have my 3._________ holidays in Austraila.It is summer there in 4.________ . (DECEMBER)

I will spend three weeks travelling in Europe.I will go there during the long 5._______ holidays in July and 6.________ . (NO SCHOOL AUGUST)

回答 (4)

2010-08-06 3:15 pm
HIGH, higher, highest
EXCITED, more excited, most excited

A. cheese_u_ socks_c_ scarf_c_ watch_c_ skirt_c_ milk_u_
handbag_c_ bread_u_

Sock is a countable noun, but we usually say a pair of socks, two pairs of socks.

1. can (bottle) of coke 2.__packet (pound, kilogram) of __sugar 3.__ piece of__(furniture)

How many have you bought?

You can also say, "two teaspoons of sugar, two spoonfuls of sugar,", but sugar is not sold in spoonfuls. Watch out the question. (How many have you bought?)

In America, sugar can be a countable noun. "I take two sugars in my coffee." That is in spoken English.

We have our 1. __EASTER_holidays in 2. _APRIL___ . We will go shopping in Japan. (APRIL)
The word “Japan” must be in capital letter.

It's really cold this year. I will have my 3.__CHRISTMAS__ holidays in Australia. It is summer there in 4.__DECEMBER__ . (DECEMBER)

I will spend three weeks travelling in Europe. I will go there during the long
5.__SUMMER__ holidays in July and 6.__AUGUST__ . (NO SCHOOL AUGUST)
2010-08-04 7:15 pm
(high) higher, highest
(Excited) more excited, most excited

A. cheese_u_ socks_c_ scarf_c_ watch_c_ skirt_c_ milk_u_
handbag_c_ bread_c_

1.__a can of__(coke) 2.__a cube of__(sugar) 3.__a piece of__(furniture)

How many have you bought?

We have our 1. __Easter__holidays in 2. __April___ .we will go shopping in japan.(APRIL)

It's really cold this year. I will have my 3.__Christmas__ holidays in Australia.It is summer there in 4.__December__ . (DECEMBER)

I will spend three weeks travelling in Europe.I will go there during the long 5.__summer__ holidays in July and 6.__August__ . (NO SCHOOL AUGUST)
2010-08-04 1:00 am
2010-08-03 11:28 pm
A. countable的塡``c" uncountable的塡``u"
cheese_u_ socks_c_ scarf_u_ watch_c_ skirt_c_ milk_u_
handbag_c_ bread_u_
參考: 我

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