as 與 for 的分別及用法

2010-08-03 7:45 pm
想問 as 與 for的分別及用法

1) we will use our color card for the standard of color approval.

2) we will use our color card as the stand of color approval


因為as 又是解作為


謝謝回覆, 如可以請加一些例句以幫助明白, 謝謝

回答 (3)

2010-08-03 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We will use our colour card as the standard of colour approval.
We will use our colour card as the colour standard approval guide.

As / for
We will use the bag as the cover
We will use the bag for covering ourselves

The red bag is for carrying the notebook.
The red bag is used as a carrying case of the notebook.
2010-08-04 1:30 am
2010-08-03 9:25 pm
It is raining. I will use the big plastic bag as a raincoat.
It is raining. I will use the big plastic bag for covering myself to avoid getting wet.

So, the following is more accurate:
We will use our color card as the standard of color approval.

But I must say I do not understand what you mean by color approval.

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