
2010-08-02 8:22 pm
有份修訂高考ECON課程O既張五常03年係美國犯逃稅罪之後, 此後一直被fbi通緝, 當年佢經香港潛逃深圳, 不時往返中港兩地, 免受引渡.

回答 (2)

2010-08-03 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
He is currently wanted by the U.S. Government through Interpol.

By the time the arrest warrant was issued, he escaped back to the Mainland.

Since there is no direct agreement between Mainland and the U.S., as well as the Mainland and Hong Kong, as soon as he does not show up in Hong Kong, he is fine.

Hong Kong Government did not "protect" him but ran out of options.
2010-08-03 10:20 pm

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