reservation fee of eurorail

2010-08-02 11:03 am
It is my first time to go to switzerland and france in the end of Oct
the trip should be like this: Zurich-Bern-Luzen-interlaken-geneva-nice-paris

i am wondering whether i need to buy the switzerland and france eurorail pass
for this? also, what if i buy the pass,do i need to pay the reservation fee for each train? since i find out that even i click "i have the pass" in the eurorail website, it seems like that i still need to pay the reservation fee for each time.

You know, it is difference from the Japan JR pass, when u have the pass,
usually you dont need to pay other extra charge, but it sounds like that even i have paid $4xxx for the eurorail pass, i still have to pay other money...

thanks for everyone~

Deat Henry, if i only buy the switzerland pass, that mean i dont need to pay and extra $ when i reserve the ticket, right? so do i need to reserve the ticket (from each plact to other place) in hongkong? or i just need to reserve it when i arrive switzerland, like in the train station?


i have not planned the france part yet, i just want to go to the southen part of france (for sightseeing and eating oyster, i love oyster, haha), any recommedation ? if i only go to nice/rylon and paris, is it better to buy ticket only, not the pass?

回答 (2)

2010-08-02 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果係用 JR Pass 的概念, 咁樣歐洲的火車證只係 cover 到普通列車既自由席. 如果你想坐 "指定席" (即係有劃位坐), 或者 "特急" (即係 d IC/ EC/ TGC 等高速火車), 就需要另外比錢架啦.

正如上面講, 你是否需要比額外既錢, 係視乎你揀咩火車去坐. 瑞士境內, 蘇黎世去伯恩, 伯恩去琉森, 琉森去 Interlaken, Interlaken 去日內瓦, 只要你選擇 "R" 的慢車 (實際上唔係好慢), 又唔需要指定位置, 根本係唔需要比額外既錢.

至於日內瓦去尼斯, 路途很遠, 很大機會需要於里昂轉車, 咁樣建議搭 TGV 了., 兩程 TGV 的補費每程 3 歐元 (如冇記錯), 加埋唔需要 10 歐元, 最後尼斯返巴黎 6 小時的 TGV, 補費亦只係 3 歐元

所以補費唔係一定要比既, 只要你小心 STUDY 火車時間表, 可以避免不必要既開支
2010-08-02 8:27 pm
你好, 除非你要坐 1st class, 一般不用特別收費! 反而好concern你應唔應該買 $4xxx 既 eurorail pass呢!
我上次都係swiss + paris, 行程係: HK -> Zurich, appenzell, Luzurn, interlaken, bern -> PARIS , 買左個 swiss 3days pass 已經好夠用啦! 自己訂火車飛 bern-> paris! 43euro 單程! (有網友 15euro 都買過, 當然係好早訂啦 eurorial 海鮮價呀) 兩地交通費都係$2000 有找! (玩左10日, swiss 5日, paris 5日)
建議先訂好行程, 再諗買邊種pass, 幾多日pass! 祝旅途愉快!

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