急...請幫我譯成英文, thx!!

2010-08-02 2:31 am
我要一封自我介紹信去見工, 請各英文高人幫我譯成英文. 我想去見秘書一職, thanks!!

我叫xxx,你可以叫我xx,今年x歲,住係xxx.我已婚,屋企還有細佬.我在xx年xx中學讀到中四程度.我的興趣是唱歌同跑步. 我喜歡去旅行廣闊視野感受不同文化.我可以說流利的廣東話和流利普通話.我識microsoft office and中英文打字.
我在xxx做consultant三年,之前做左5年reception. 得知貴公司有秘書一職空缺,對此工作深感興趣.雖然我未做過,但我會能夠在此努力工作及用心地學習,我也會報讀課程進修,我係好有誠意去想做呢份工的!

回答 (1)

2010-08-02 11:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear sirs,

My name is XX, you can called me XX as well, I'm X years old, I'm living in XXX. I married and my brother lived with me. I finished my form 4 in year XX in XX Secondary School. My interests are singing and jogging; I also like to travel in order to explore the world and experience different culture. I can speak both fluent cantonese and mandarin. I'm proficient with microsoft office software as well as english and chinese typing.

My experiences included 3 years in XXX as a consultant, before that I have worked as reception for 5 years. I knew your company have one secretary vacancy and I'm interest to apply this position. Although I never been a secretary, but I will try very hard to work and to learn, I also will join some related course after work to improve my knowledge and to be a qualified secretary.

I'm very sincere to get this job and work for your company. I wish you would provide this opportunities for me.

Your earliest respond is highly appreciated.

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