of course 既英文解法

2010-08-01 2:32 am
of course 既英文解法,正統,唔好自己作唔該

回答 (5)

2010-08-01 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

Of course I remember him.
2010-08-10 10:59 am
of course 既英文解法
2010-08-01 11:43 pm
of course - sure, certainly
2010-08-01 10:48 pm
Of course
1. in the natural or expected order of things; naturally
2. certainly; without any doubt
2010-08-01 6:19 am
Cheung Wang Yuen:
先說 course一字除了其他解釋外, 還包含路徑a route, 方法 a way, 方向 a
再說 of 一字在英文法上是一個介系詞或介(preposition) ; of 加上course 就解作自然, 理所當然, 不待言等。
of course 中的 of 只是個簡單介詞(simple preposition) 如 in, on, at, for, off from, out, till, with 等, 不是複式介詞(compound preposition) 如 amongst, behind, below, around, inside, within, across等, 更不是語句介詞(phrase
preposition)就用of 的例子如 in course of, in spite of, in front of, in case of,
in lieu of, on account of, in the event of, in place of 等等。
牛津字典就解釋 of course是用作強調你所說的是真實的, 無誤的如下:
of course is used to emphasize what you say is true or correct, like
' Don't you like my mother ?' , ' Of course I do.'.
你可能見 日常用語多是Of course放在句前而有此一問, 事實並非一定如此, 如 He is diligent, and of course he will succeed. 或 His success is a matter
of course.
我亦估量你可能很少見 of 作為句子的開始而有此一問, 事實這是很平常如
Of noble birth, she behaves like a lady.
Of lung cancer, he died.

2010-07-31 22:26:11 補充:
對不起,在下在simple prepositon舉例中在off, from的中間打少了一個截點(comma),特此更正,並祈原諒。
參考: Oxford Dictionary, nil

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