請幫我改正錯誤 book report 10點!!!

2010-07-31 11:16 pm
THE LOST WORLD:Jurassic Park

Janet McAlpin
Malcolm knew a way that can take cells from dinosaur bones and make dinosuur.Levine started a expedition with Malcolm to Costa Rica.When Levine arrived Costa Rica,he found a enormous creature like a lizard.Afterwards,Levine went into a lost world which in Costa Rica.In the lost world,Levine saw the real dinosaur.
After stayed in there a few days,Levine and his friends determined not to find any dinosaur and leave the island.

請幫我改正錯誤 ,請幫我修改一下讀書報告~

回答 (1)

2010-08-01 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Malcolm found a way to make dinosaur from dinosaur bone cells. Levine
started an expedition with Malcolm to Costa Rica to find dinosaur bones.
When Levine arrived Costa Rica, he found an enormous creature that looked like a lizard . Afterwards they went into a lost world there and they saw the
real dinosaurs.
After staying there for a few days, Levine and his friends determined not to
look for dinosaurs any more and left the island.
參考: nil

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 23:16:57
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