hardly ever同seldom(急!!!!!!!!)

2010-07-31 7:33 pm
我想問下hardly ever 同seldom有咩分別?幫我比較一下依兩個字,我知兩個都係解少既意思,但我想知邊個多啲,邊個少啲.thx=]

回答 (3)

2010-08-01 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
I do not agree with 001. Hardly ever means almost never whereas seldom means infrequent. The former is for a rarer situation than the latter.
2010-08-01 3:45 am


2010-07-31 10:20 pm
hardly ever 可解作很少, 不常, 難得如
I hardly ever see him now.我現在幾乎不與他見面。
seldom與hardly ever同是adverb, 但程度上意思具較强烈, 可解罕有, 稀少如
He is seldom at home.他極少回家。若說 He is seldom rarely at home.就等於說 He is never at home.
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