english hw help(Tense)

2010-07-30 11:31 pm
Choose the correct from of the verb in each case.
6. Look !The bus (answer).We must hurry.
a.is coming b.has come
c.has been coming d.comes
7. The Wong's usually(answer)dinner at seven.
a.have b.have bad
c.has d. are having
7.The department store(answer)of eight sections.
A.has consisted B.consisting
C.consists D.is consisted
8.Over three hundred guests (answer) to the tea party in Goverment House early next month.
A.are being invited B.will invite
C.have been inviting D.are inviting
9.A numeber of councillors (answer) to the proposted sales tax because they think it will be unfair to the low-income people.
A.opposing B. have opposed
C. oppose D.are opposed

10.Fifty people (answer) since the earthquake (answer) the area. A.die...... had hit B.are dead....is hitting C.died....hitting D.have died....hit


11.The Urban Council libraries (answer) to the public six days a week. A. open B.are open C.have opened D.have been opened


12.Mary (answer) in her school for four years and she is still studying there. A.has been studying B.is studying C.study D.studying


13.Mrs.Li says she didnot (answer) the letter which you(answer) her last week. A. received...had sent B.receiving...have sent C.receive ..........have sent D.receive sent


14.Joseph (answer) a book when he (answer) a strange noise outside the window. A. was reading ... heard B.was reading .................had heard C.read...had heard D.read...had heard


15.We.(answer) last month to welcome the Chinese New Year. A.were painting our house B.would have painted our house C.had our house painted D.had painted our house


16. While Mandy(answer) ,Richard(answer) the guitar. A.had sung...had played B.was sining ...was playing C.was singing ...had been playing D.sang ... had played


17.They (answer) the situation carefully before they made up their mind. A.had considered B.were considering C.considered D.had been considering


18.I hope you (answer) again. A will come B.are coming C.would come D.will be coming


19.They (answer) their holiday next week. A.have B.will have had C.would have had D.will be having 20.The new restaurant (answer) by several popular TV artists. A is opening B.will open C.will be opened D.will have opened


Thx for answer all the question.


13answer is right,i check alreadly.


question5 didnot answer


if you donot want answer donot answer and Stephen thx your answer and question 13 they give me chose the answer is right,so you think the answer which one right and tell me.

回答 (2)

2010-07-31 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest you do your own homework.
You should try to understand the usage of different tenses. Then you can answer the questions easily.

Here are a few examples:
The sun rises every day.
Peter eats an apple every day.
I usually go to school by bus.

I had seen Mary before I went to school.

Mother is coming home. We must finish our homework quickly.

I have seen this man before.

2010-08-03 11:42:20 補充:
Dear Jenny,

Your English will not improve if you keep on asking others to do homework for you.
I say this in good will.

2010-07-31 12:34 am
6, a
7, a
7, d
8, a
9, c
10, b
11, a
12, a
13 receive…had sent did not 後面不會用past tense
14, a
15, d
16, b
17, d
18, c
19, d
20, c

I hope that can help you!

2010-07-30 16:35:55 補充:
do your homework by yourself !!!
no more next time !!

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