急!請高手用英語解釋什麼是critical thinking

2010-07-30 8:14 pm
急!請高手用英語解釋什麼是critical thinking?並簡要的給個case!謝謝!!

回答 (5)

2010-07-30 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Critical thinking(noun)批判性思考Examine and judge things carefully, express you idea or thinking or feeling, no matter it is good or bad 同義詞有disapproving, faultfinding, captious, caviling E.g. Nowadays, the society has a great requirment on people who has critical thinking rather than the one who has high educational background only.現今社會對有批判性思考, 而不只是有高學歷的人士有很大需求。

有我ge解答可以help you!
參考: me
2011-11-12 12:25 am
2010-07-30 10:03 pm
critical thinking一般都會譯做「批判性思維」,但事實上可能會令人聯想到對事情思考時作出批判=批評=挑戰=找出錯處等意思。可能原於critical這個字本身的第一個意思便是批評/批判,而又跟critic(批評/評審家)和criticism(批評/評論)等同義。

2010-07-30 8:57 pm
critical thinking是批判性思考
eg. Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting
opinions without questioning them.
要鼓勵學生培養判斷力, 而非不憧懂提問, 只知接收意見.
2010-07-30 8:42 pm
英文:ability to examine and judge things carefully

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