Do you think it's possible to love a person forever?

2010-07-30 5:54 am

回答 (6)

2010-07-30 6:04 am
yes its possible we can love some one for whole life as the matter of fact loving some one for ever or being committed with some one is some thing very beautiful
2010-07-30 5:56 am
Yes, absolutely. My husband and I have been together for 14 years, and are still happily married. We have good communication with each other, and love just being with each other. WE feel like we will be together forever even when we die.
2010-07-30 5:56 am
yes it is.
2010-07-30 5:55 am
Absolutely. I think love can be a tough road and people are flawed and can make mistakes, but i think true love and devotion is one of the most powerful things out there.
2010-07-30 5:55 am
參考: All that needs to be said.
2010-07-30 5:57 am
yes it is i know i will love two ladies forever and no im not going into details except to say its actually very romantic

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