He says he wants to hit me.. what does this mean?

2010-07-29 1:50 pm
So I'm 17.. he has said twice he wants to hit my face and doesn't know why. with some other things he does (looks me up and down, always trying to make me smile) does this mean he likes me?
BUT he hasn't made a move!!

why does this mean he wants sex?

回答 (7)

2010-07-29 1:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thats means he is wanting to have sex. If he's your boyfriend then he should be more respectful about talking about it with you. Now if it's just some guy from school, he's perverted and just trying to get himself some. In other words if it's your boyfriend talk to him about it, if it's a random guy from school slap the **** out of him!
2010-07-29 9:00 pm
he has said he wants to hit you in the face??? stay away from him, he doesn't sound right in the head. wife beater comes to mind.
2010-07-29 8:52 pm
What it means is STAY AWAY.

This guy is damaged.
2010-07-29 9:05 pm
It means stay the hell away from him. Guys tell other guys that they'd like to tap that (girl) meaning having sex with her. So if he means it that way, it's very disrespectful and he'll treat you like crap. If he means it literally, then it means he'll end up slapping you around. Either way, he's a total loser and not to be given any chance with you. You deserve better and should demand better.
2010-07-29 8:51 pm
Basically he wants to have sex with you :L
2010-07-29 8:52 pm
Wants to have sex with U
2010-07-29 8:57 pm
I'm not so sure as well, but I can tell you that sometimes boys are shy, particularly in front of the loved one. If you want to know whether or not he loves you. You can simply give him a chance (eg: a moment and quite place that belong to you and the boy only) to let him confess.
參考: I'm a boy

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