
2010-07-30 5:10 am
With several years of working experience, I had proved myself a highly efficient
worker and a good helper. I am willing to handle multi-task and work hard. Have a good working attitude is one of my personal superiority that your company
would feel satisfied with.

回答 (3)

2010-07-31 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

既然你有幾年的work experience便應表達職位或工種上的建樹來支持你的優點。單是工作年期不會自prove你要prove給人看的東西。

例如efficient worker是怎樣的...又good helper是甚麼的表現
By the way用worker/helper這個字已把你自己放在一個低等和被動的位置,就算你的職位真是helper(傭人-小心誤用字)也應以實務內容取代一種角色名詞,因為新僱主希望你是個上進的人。

willing to handle multi-task and work hard用willing(願意)從僱主看來是你未試過的意思。所以留意當你寫will或willing時只可以講超越你過往能力或實力的東西,又或你想像會為新工(公司)帶來甚麼好處才用。

Good working attitude是「好的工作態度」的意思吧,我信你,但假如這是你最優秀的特點,你要知道作為僱主而言,這是最基本的。僱主為何會因為你有好的工作態度而滿意(satisfied),因為唔使因為你遲到早退練精學懶而煩?因此反而這個只是你封信的introduction(序言)而不是結論。


With serveral years of working experience in the "XXX" business, my supervisors can vouch for my working attitude is being excellent. I work efficiently on multi-task projects/processes in daily routines and proivde good support to help my boss and co-worker to execute special events, such as....

I am sure these kinds of quality are what you are looking for in this position of XXXXX. I will be able to motivate my co-worker to be like me and to develop good teamwork.

2010-07-30 6:04 am
I am not going to rewrite your piece of work in better English, but just to put the grammar in order while at the same time keeping its original meaning and style of Chinglish expression.

By virtue of my several years of experience, I am proven to be a highly efficient worker as well as a good helper. I am willing to accept multi-task assignments and work hard. The fact that I have a good working attitude is one of my personal advantages that satisfies the requirement of your company.

I think you are looking for this kind of work - to express your idea in Chinese way of thinking, but in English language.
2010-07-30 5:26 am
With several years of work experience, I believe I am an efficient
worker and a good helper. I am capable of handling many tasks as
I am hard-working.I think I fully fit in with the qualifications which your company requires.

Hope that you find it useful.

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