
2010-07-30 1:47 am
The main characters in this story are Mr. Hoppy, Mrs Silver and tortoises.The story talk about Mr.Hoppy has always been a lonely man after retiring from his job who live alone in a small flat. Mr.Hoppy 's second love was a secret he kept to himself that he was in love with his upstairs neighbour Mrs silver for many years. But he was too shy to disclose his love . And he knew that Mrs Silver loved her tortoises very much. However, he tried to talk with Mrs Silver and knew she was unhappy about her c was small.
Because she wanted her tortoises can grow to very large and then she sat on tortoises . So he had an idea.
I don't like this story because Mr. Hopppy is dishonest . He said he had good ideal to help the tortoises to grow up . In fact , every day Mr. Hoppy got a new tortoise from his balcony so Mrs. Silver would think that her tortoises was growing . I thought he will tell the truth to Mrs silver . But he didn't do it . In the end ,Mr. Hoppy and Mrs. Silver got married . I think Mr Hoppy should talk the truth and apologize . Because Mrs silver may be know the truth and I think everyone should be honest. It is not good behaviour for everyone to learn. It is possible to make children who misunderstand to lie is correct . And I think the ending is common and not exciting .
I don't like Mr Hoppy. Because he was timid . He love Mrs silver many years , but he was too shy to disclose his love and was afaid for she will refuse . If I were he , I would talk my love to Mrs silver .
He can't lose time . Because he was old and not had many time to live . However , fanily he was brave for he stared to run after Mrs silver . Although the ideal was not good . And I appreciate that he was heartfelt
to love Mr silver .
To sum up , although I don't like the main character Mr Hoppy and the end . I had a good laugh every time when reading the book. From the name of the book, you can see that the author really had a good sense of humor.

I enjoy reading light-hearted stories like this because this is a good way to relax. The funny pictures also make me love reading this book. 唔該大家幫下我睇下有咩錯 THZ

回答 (2)

2010-07-30 8:39 pm
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The main characters in this story are Mr. Hoppy, Mrs. Silver and tortoises. The story talks about Mr.Hoppy who was a lonely man after retiring from his job. He lived alone in a small flat. Mr.Hoppy 's second lover was a secret. He kept the secret for many years that he was in love with his upstairs neighbour Mrs. Silver. He was too shy to disclose his love for Mrs. Silver. He knew that Mrs. Silver loved her tortoises very much. However, he tried to talk to Mrs. Silver and knew she was unhappy about her small collection of tortoises. She wanted her tortoises to grow enormously in size so that she could sit on the tortoises. He had an idea.

I don't like this story because Mr. Hoppy was dishonest. He said he had good idea to help the tortoises to grow faster. In fact, every day Mr. Hoppy got a new tortoise from his balcony so Mrs. Silver would think that her tortoises were growing faster. At first I think he would tell the truth to Mrs. Silver, but he didn't. At the end of the story, Mr. Hoppy and Mrs. Silver got married. Mr. Hoppy should tell the truth and apologized for his cheating because Mrs. Silver might find out the truth eventually. Honesty is a good virtue. This story sets a bad example for everyone and makes children misunderstand that lying is acceptable. (The end justifies the means. 為達到目的, 不擇手段) I think the ending is quite common and not exciting.

I don't like Mr. Hoppy because he was timid. He loved Mrs. Silver for years, but he contained his feelings and was afraid that she would reject his love. If I were him, I would tell my love to Mrs. Silver.

He couldn't lose time because he was old and did not have much time left in his life. However, he ultimately was brave enough to run after Mrs. Silver. Although the idea was not good I appreciate that he finally made no secret of his feelings and declared his heartfelt love to Mrs. Silver and won her heart.
2010-07-30 2:58 am

The main characters in this story are Mr. Hoppy, Mrs Silver and tortoises.The story talks about Mr.Hoppy who is a lonely man after retiring from his job. He lived alone in a small flat. Mr.Hoppy 's second lover was a secret. He kept (no need ‘to’) the secret for many years t hat he was in love with his upstairs neighbour Mrs silver. But he was too shy to disclose his love . And he knew that Mrs Silver loved her tortoises very much. However, he tried to talk to Mrs Silver and knew she was unhappy about her c was small.(what is that)
Because she wanted her tortoises can(no need casn) grow to very large(can change tofaster) and then she sat(how??) on tortoises . So he had an idea.
I don't like this story because Mr. Hopppy is dishonest . He said he had good ideal to help the tortoises to grow faster. In fact , every day Mr. Hoppy got a new tortoise from his balcony so Mrs. Silver would think that her tortoises was growing faster. I thought he will tell the truth to Mrs silver ,but he didn't .At the end of the story ,Mr. Hoppy and Mrs. Silver got married . I think Mr Hoppy should talk the truth and apologize because Mrs silver may know the truth and I think everyone should be honest. It is not a good behaviour for everyone It is possible to makes children misunderstand that lying is correct . And I think the ending is common and not exciting .

2010-07-29 18:58:25 補充:
I don't like Mr Hoppy because he was timid . He loved Mrs silver many years , but he was too shy to disclose his love and was afraid for she will refuse .(What??) If I were him , I would told my love to Mrs silver .

2010-07-29 18:58:37 補充:
He can't lose time because he was old and not had many time in life . However , finally he was brave for he stared to run after Mrs silver(can’t understand) . Although the ideal was not good . And I appreciate that he was heartfelt to love Mr silver .

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