hibor 是否間間銀行一樣???

2010-07-29 9:51 pm
hibor 是否間間銀行一樣???

回答 (2)

2010-07-31 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually the panel banks will contribute the 1-month, 2-month, 3-month, 4-month, 5-month, 6-month, 7-month, 8-month, 9-month, 10-month, 11-month and 12-month HIBOR which are different from each other. But the HIBOR announced at 11:30am each day by all banks are the same as it is calculated by taking the average of all same tendor HIBOR, after eliminating the 2 highest and 2 lowest values. You can get the average values from Hong Kong Monetary Authority's website.
2010-07-30 2:03 am
你好!我係郭小姐,係幫客人免費做按揭轉介服務的,新樓上會,加按轉按,我地同18間銀行合作,仲有財務公司,有興趣的可以把你的fax no. send黎我email:[email protected] 我會send本公司資料俾你俾你睇睇先,有興趣再傾都得!thank you

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