【會考】收到考評局寄來的信 求翻譯 救命T.T

2010-07-29 9:22 pm
A report from the centre supervisor stating that you breached the examination

regulation in the captioned examination by disobeying time instruction:

"sticking barcode labels/written candidate no./written name before the

examination started or after being told to stop at the end of the examination"

The case has been considered by the standing

committee of the authority responsible for

handling all examination irregularities.

It was decided that no mark penalty would be

imposed on you on this occasion. However,

you should be warned to observe the examination regulations.

In case you commit a similar offence in any public examination in future,

you will be penalized.

我應該要點做呢?? 呢科成績會唔會冇左..

姐係封信唔需要理佢啦?? 會考成績唔會影響?? thx u

回答 (2)

2010-07-29 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no mark penalty

【會考】收到考評局寄來的信 求翻譯 救命T.TA report from the centre supervisor stating that you breached the examination

regulation in the captioned examination by disobeying time instruction:

"sticking barcode labels/written candidate no./written name before the

examination started or after being told to stop at the end of the examination"

The case has been considered by the standing

committee of the authority responsible for

handling all examination irregularities.

It was decided that no mark penalty would be

imposed on you on this occasion. However,

you should be warned to observe the examination regulations.

In case you commit a similar offence in any public examination in future,

you will be penalized.

2010-07-29 13:37:50 補充:

2010-07-29 13:40:55 補充:
沒野好做。他都話NO MARK PEANLTY(不會扣分)

2010-07-29 9:43 pm
In this case, they will not prenalise yr mark in this time......however, you must take note of that. Otherwise, it ll prenalise yr mark in coming future.

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