
2010-07-29 3:59 pm
本人已考了三次路考, 都不合格, 想知道筆試一共可以考幾多次?有沒有限制筆試次數? 我不知道是不是我的運氣不好,還是駕駛技巧真得太差, 我考得很不順!! 三次都在HOLLYWOOD DMV 考, 很不順心!! 聽說那DMV是很難考成的,是真的嗎?? 哪間易考成?謝謝!


回答 (5)

2010-08-01 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2010-07-30 2:52 am
我以前從不懂開車,是來了USA後才學. 我PRACTISE了無數次. 對考的路線有掌握!今天是那個EXAMINER說我左轉時轉得不好,差點就撞上泊在路邊的車,於是他就出手轉了我的方向盤. 但其實他只是轉了一下下.我自問他若不干預我也是不會撞. 其餘的自問很SMOOTH. 我起初還以為自己PASS了. 但........

2010-08-01 06:46:34 補充:
那麼你認為我應該轉一轉DMV來考嗎? 還是應留在較熟悉的HOLLWOOD DMV考?
2010-07-29 8:23 pm
For written test and driving test, each of them you will have 3 chances.

When you fail either tests for 3 times each, your instruction permit will be void, and you will have to do it all over again.
2010-07-29 8:00 pm
考了三次都是同一個問題沒過, 還是不同問題? 你沒來美國之前會不會開? 有沒有在考場附近的路上試試?

如果本來不會開, 還是需要多練習. 如果本來就會開, 那可能是你的動作不夠標準, 開車不夠小心.

也有些人是因為聽不懂主考官的指示, 或是對路不熟. 反應不過來...最好能夠找到老中父母正有小孩在考試的, 通常高中學生對這個部份都有可以share的資料.

2010-07-30 11:17:15 補充:
那就是了. 你可能還不夠熟練. 自己沒感覺, 有經驗的人一眼看得出來...多練一練吧. 我曾經幫一個大陸來的人練車, 因為她每次讓家人陪, 最後就吵一架...從她握方向盤的手勢, 我就知道她很需要再練習...我們在空曠的停車場練了好久, 慢慢她就有辦法掌握到每個轉彎角度. 可以把彎轉的很準.

美國靠右邊開車,所以右邊往往會抓不準寬度... It only takes about 5 degree's different to make a perfect turn... 耐心一點, 多練練車...這樣, 也比較省保險費...seriously.

小一點的, 短一點的車比較容易練.
2010-07-29 4:22 pm

我也給那個教練上過課 人很親切
他會帶你到West Covina考
只要照他講的重點注意 不要緊張

Pass a traffic laws and sign test. There are 36 questions on the test. You have three chances to pass.(Sample Test)
Note: To allow you sufficient time for testing DMV will not be administering written or audio exams after 4:30 p.m.

You will then be issued a permit if you have never been licensed before. When you practice, you must have an accompanying adult who is 18 years of age or older, with a valid California license. This person must be close enough to you to take control of the vehicle if necessary. It is illegal for you to drive alone.

If you have a license from another country, you will be required to take a driving test. If you have a license from another state, the driving test can be waived.

To take your driving test, you will need to:

Make a driving test Appointment(s) . (Driving tests are not given without an appointment.) You may also call 1-800-777-0133 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, to make a driving test appointment.
Provide proof of financial responsibility
California Insurance Requirements
You have three chances to pass the driving test. If you fail, you may practice for a while, then make another appointment. There is no waiting period, but you must make an appointment. If you fail to successfully complete the driving test on the first attempt, you must pay a $6 fee for each additional driving test that is administered under an application for an original or renewal driver license.

2010-07-29 13:07:47 補充:

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