去 Calgary 機票問題 ~

2010-07-28 10:32 pm
我同女朋友聖誕會由hk 去 Calgary 探朋友
係邊訂ticket 最平? 來回


睇人講都可以係去美國轉機,係o米o架 ??

十二月頭同月中,係o米d 價錢已經好唔同o架la ????
依家訂定係o米平d ar???


回答 (2)

2010-07-29 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Due to different routing, price structures vary based on how you go. So you should talk to a travel agency and compare routing before checking for price.

2. Calgary... - You will end up back to Vancouver. There is nothing really special in Calgary. What you should do is after you friend.

3. No unless you plan to stop by United States because:

a. You will need a visa.

b. The price tends to be higher.

4. Yes. I have done a price check for you. Basically, the price is HKD$10000+ for most of the month and can be as high as HK$15000. If you can travel on the week of December 12, you may be able to find something cheaper (belowe HKD$10000).

So call a travel agency and starting ticket hunting.

2010-07-29 1:00 am
去搵旅行社買機票. 有須要可email給我.

去美國轉機要過境visa, 如果你無visa, 你就唔洗諗.

12月頭機位會易拉d, 因為近聖誕機位會好緊張, 同埋亦是旺季. 機票是愈早買愈平和容易搵位d.

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