中文句子翻譯英文 (急)

2010-07-28 7:12 pm
因Ivan 今天會返加拿大, 所以要等他回去之後才能給你comments

回答 (13)

2010-08-02 4:10 am
i went to back canada to day, therefore you have to wait for his return before he can give you the comments.
2010-07-30 7:44 am


2010-07-28 11:56 pm
As Ivan is going to Canada today, therefore you have to wait for his return before he can give you the comments.
2010-07-28 11:32 pm
As Ivan will be going back to Canada today, his comments won't be given to you until he comes back.

2010-07-31 22:43:08 補充:
correction : As Ivan will be going back to Canada today, no comments will be given to you until his arrival at the destination.
2010-07-28 10:11 pm
Ivan is going to return to Canada today, therefore he will have to send you his comments afterwards.
2010-07-28 9:23 pm
Because Ivan back to Canada today, therefore, he will give you your comment after his back from Canada.
2010-07-28 8:49 pm
2010-07-28 8:05 pm
Ivan will be go to Canda today, so he only can give you comments after he come back
參考: me
2010-07-28 7:31 pm

As Ivan will be going back to Canada to-day, he thus can only give you his comments when he gets there.
參考: nil
2010-07-28 7:17 pm

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