英文 preposition 為什麼要這麼用呢 ?

2010-07-28 9:37 am
有些字句我不明白, 你們可解釋給我知道嗎?請問有沒有知道下面句子
所用 preposition 的原因

(1) Dinner will be ready "by" eight o'clock.
為什麼用 by 而不是 Dinner will be ready "at eight o'clock. 呢?

(2) The room is empty except "for" a few chairs.
上面這句是否可以省略 "for" 改成 The room is empty except a few chairs.呢?

(3) Please post this letter "for" me. 為什麼用不是用 to me ?

(4) The ship is sailing "for" Singapore.
為什麼用不是The ship is sailing "to" Singapore.

(5) His grandparents arrived "at" Hong Kong last Sunday.
為什麼用 at 不是用 to Hong Kong ?

回答 (1)

2010-07-28 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Dinner will be ready "by" eight o'clock. 的by是”之前”的意思,即八時之前,晚餐就會預備好

2)The room is empty except "for" a few chairs.
若在all, every, no, everything, anybody, nowhere, whole 等字後,我們用except或except for都可用
 其他的時候,多用except,而不用except for

在介詞或連接詞之前,我們會用except, 而不用except forHe is good-looking except when he smiles. (不用except for)
3)Please post this letter "for" me. 是請為我寄了這封信
Please post this letter "to" me. 是請將此信寄給我

4) The ship is sailing "for" Singapore.


(5) His grandparents arrived "at" Hong Kong last Sunday




為什麼用不是The ship is sailing "to" Singapore.

2010-07-28 18:53:19 補充:

2)The room is empty except "for" a few chairs.
若在all, every, no, everything, anybody, nowhere, whole 等字後,我們用except或except for都可用
 其他的時候,多用except for,而不用except(之前答案倒轉了)

在介詞或連接詞之前,我們會用except, 而不用except forHe is good-looking except when he smiles. (不用except for)

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