How can i start to talk to my mom again?

2010-07-28 3:02 am
It feels uncomfortable to.
Yesterday we got n this big arguement and she hurt me and my feelings. I kicked her n the stomach and we havent talked since. Except if she would ask me questions. She doesnt trust me for some reason. and she thinks i hate her. (which i kinda do but its wrong.) She wants to hang out but i dont want to. it feels uncomfortable to be around her. cause im mad at her. Tomorrow im going to the fair n getting things off my mind with my friends. So mostly how can i start talking to my mom and hang out with her without it being uncomfortable. In i grew up without a dad. and he rejected me coming over to see him this summer. N what bothers me the most is how she treats me like crap but my older brother wayyy nicer.

回答 (3)

2010-07-28 3:47 am
I always think the best way to solve a problem is to be honest. You knew you're wrong that you
kicked her, then tell her " Mom, I am sorry that I kicked you that day." But you kicked her
because she said something that hurt your feelings, so tell the truth that you couldn't control
yourself because she said such and such. Say it honestly and calmly, that would calm your mom
down too. Parents sometimes do act like children too, they too have times that they said something that they didn't mean to and they also felt bad. If you open up yourself first to accept your mom and to forgive what she said, it will improve your relationship with your mom. Something
like "Mom, are you still mad with me?" or " are we still friends?" sometimes can break the ice. If your dad's not there, your mom may be under lots of stress too. I think you should forgive her.
2010-07-28 3:15 am
Well, I think it is very sad not to have a mother by your side. It is wrong that you kicked her in the stomach. I think that made her think you did not love her. My step-sister had the same problem with her mom. I think you both might be acting immature and need to settle things down or find someone that can help. I suggest you give her a chance so the both of you can start over and forgett the past.GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
2010-07-28 3:06 am
just talk more (put in a few more sentences) when she asks you questions. for most people if you are treat them nicer they will begin to treats you nicer too. It's kinda childish but whenever i go out, i buy her ice cream or something. i know it's a little thing, but it can really make the relationship better. just imagine she bought you ice cream. you know how u feel :)

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