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請問一下, 你揸E46 325i之前, 係揸咩車呢?
E46 325i, 用 M54系 engine, E90 330i, 用 N52系 engine, 馬力同扭力都多接近80匹同 80 N.m, 波箱齒密比, E90 係比較密 (E90 用六前速, E46用五前速). 性能比 E46 325i 超班係理所當然.
我太太曾經擁有過 E46 330xi, 之後亦試過 E90 330i. 或者分享吓我嘅經驗.
第一時間開E90出去, 覺得成架車 mature 咗. 睇速度表係肯定架車快咗嘅, 但力水deliver 上就柔順好多 (或者好似你講, 少咗份推背), 呢個可能係同N52用上新一代Valvetronic 有關.
轉波時E90亦冇E46 咁突兀. 始終多一個波, 齒比密咗, 所以轉波之間嘅動力同速度流失會冇咁明顯
最後要講番 Mature. 架車真係比 E46靜好多. 而且坐姿同內裝我覺得冇 E46 咁戰鬥格. 呢個喺心理上我覺得都會對 "推背" 感有影響..
Just my 2 cents.
2010-07-28 20:52:56 補充:
135i is using N54, not M54. The N52 in the 330i/325i with Valvetronic and Double VANOS is considered more advanced technically than the twin-turbo N54 from engineering standpoint.
2010-07-28 20:54:59 補充:
The N52 has huge low end torque, and the torque curve is flat from 2000rpm to high rev -- close to 6000 rpm. There's just too much sound isolation materials to keep the engine and exhaust note away from the cabin. The N52 is a great engine for the road and occasional track event.
2010-07-29 09:20:29 補充:
其實N52嘅Valvetronic除咗喺耗油量上改善之外, 對任何轉數領域可以搾取嘅扭力都有好大幫助. 的而且確, 喺E30年代, 尤其M3, 325同320等, 係好Honda VTEC feel嘅 - keep住高轉數踩. 但自從E36之後, 就著重低轉都要好力. 呢個係大勢所趨. 唔係個個駕駛者都鐘意大腳油. 而且喺街揸, 低轉有力係較方便同文明.
2010-07-29 09:24:29 補充:
至於同Benz比較, 至少3系同C-Class比, 尤其六缸型號, 分野上我覺得仍然較明顯. 寶馬直六由idle 踩到紅區都好順, Benz嘅V6 低轉係有torque (靠大CC吧), 但delivery 上始終冇寶馬直六咁瀟灑. 操控上寶馬嘅馱感亦較直接 (尤其係冇active steering嘅型號).
不過呢D都係好subjective 嘅意見.