seem to / seems that 的分別?急急急..

2010-07-28 2:31 am
seem to
seems that
seem to be..


回答 (3)

2010-07-28 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She seems very happy with the new job.
她好像 很滿意這新工作。

( seem 後面必須是形容詞 )

He seems to like the idea.
他好像 喜歡這個意見。

I seem to hear someone knocking at the door.
我好像 聽到有人在敲門。

( seem to 後面必須是一動詞 )

It seems to be an interesting book 它好像是一本有趣的書。
( seems to be 後面必須有一名詞 )

It seems that it will rain tonight.
看起來 今晚將要下雨。

It seems that the attack this morning was very carefully planned to cause few casualties.
看起來 在早上的襲擊是經過周詳的策劃,因而造成不少的災難。

It seems that he has no reasonable alternative. 看起來 他無合理的其他選擇。[ It seems that 後面必須是 一子句 ( clause ) ]
2010-07-28 3:50 am
你不要被seem這個字弄糊塗了, 它只是一個不及物動詞解作'好像' 的意思, 它的用法就和其他不及物動詞無分別, 就你所問, 我舉幾句例句你會較易明白:
seem to
1)Though he is dead, I still seem to hear his voice或 I still seem to feel his
existence.(雖他已死,但我好像還聽到他的聲音,或我好像仍感到它的在。) 2) I seem to have left my mobile phone in your home.(我好像把我的手提電話遺留在你家中。)

seems that(因它是動詞,所以如果主詞subject是he,she,it, 就要在它後加s了)
1) He seems that they will surely win the football match.(他看來好像他們肯定會勝出這塲足球比賽。)
2) It seems that it is going to rain soon.(它(個天)好像很快便會下雨了。)

seem to be
1) She seems to be very satisfied with her new boy friend.(她好像對她的新男友很滿意。)
2) They seem to be unhappy with my final decision in the meeting.(他們好像對於我在會議中的决定並不高興。)

參考: nil
2010-07-28 2:41 am
加了"to be" 會有"或許"的意思

例子: 2個都係字典搵既
1. you seem very quiet today.

you seem to be very quiet today 又得唔得?

2 He's 16, but he seems to be younger.

He's 16, but he seems younger.

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