who whom which 句子(10分)

2010-07-28 2:08 am
請把who whom which 放在適當位置

Part A :

1. The toy museum __________was inserious need of renovation was built 30 years ago. 2. Jane and her sister __________theteachers recommended are good at sports. 3. The double-decker __________waspacked with people was charged for speeding. 4. The cook __________appeared inthe TV shoe last night is my uncle.

5. They bought a cooker __________wasmanufactured in Germany.

6. The policeman arrested the man__________was believed to be involved in a murder.

7. The shop, __________hasreceived many complaints, is ordered to close down.
8. The girl __________you met in theparty lives next to me. Conbine the following sentence using who,whom or which. Use sentence a. as the main clause of the sentence. 1.a. The fire alarm has been out of order..b. The fire alarm was installed last month.The fire alarm__________________________________________ 2.a. The workers staged a strike..b. The workers were dissatisfied with the working conditions.The workers_____________________________________________ 3.a. The woman is a TV reporter..b. I met her in the hotel lift.The woman_____________________________________________ 4.a. The robber broke into the house..b. The house was situated on a quiet street.The robber_____________________________________________ 5.a. The man was acting suspiciously..b. A detective was watching him.The man,_______________________________________________

回答 (1)

2010-07-28 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Part A
5) which
6) who
7) which
8) whom

Part B
1)The fire alarm which was installed last month has been out of order.
2)The workers who dissatisfied with working conditions staged a strike.
3) The woman whom I met in the hotel lift is a TV reporter.
4) The robber broke into the house which was situated on a quiet street.
5) The man whom the detective was watching was acting suspiciously.
參考: nil

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