
2010-07-27 9:44 pm
公司要我寫一封英文信比A公司, 而A公司嘅服務係幫我地keep好多紙箱(入面係我地公司嘅文件)

內容係同A公司 contract 到 31st AUG 2010 就到期, 唔會續約+中終止合約, 並會跟B公司簽約, 現授權B公司到A公司取走所以我公司的cartons箱!

回答 (1)

2010-07-28 12:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Manager,
Company A,

Dear Sir,

Termination of the Contract for Storage

Please note that the contract for storage we made with you will expire on 31 August, 2010. We regret to advise you that the contract will not be extended but has to be terminated upon the expiry date.

A contract has been made with company B. We have authorised company B to collect the carton boxes now in your custody.

Thank you for your cooperation and your past services.

Yours faithfully,

Director / Manager

with the company chop on the above signature

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