University Maths Question

2010-07-27 6:50 am
The coefficient of x^16 in the expansion of (2x-3x^(3))^10 is...

The answer is -414720

**Pls show the steps in a simple way, thx!!

回答 (2)

2010-07-27 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
(2x-3x^(3))^10 = (x^10) (2 - 3x^2)^10The coefficient of x^6 in the expansion of (2 - 3x^2)^10 :T(3+1) = 10C3 * 2^(10-3) * (-3x^2)3 = 120 * 128 * (-27)x^6 = -414720x^6So The coefficient of x^16 in the expansion of (2x-3x^(3))^10 is -414720
2010-07-28 5:40 am
i'd gonna check it

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