
2010-07-27 5:20 am


●chinglish、只是grammatically correct,但以英語為母語的native speaker絕不會這樣描述報價項目的,可將句子煎皮拆骨改它一個痛快。

●煩請特別留意甚麼前置詞、介系詞。例如 in , of , to, at, for 等等,很要命。




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(1) 依客方來圖所示,拆石膏板橺隔及磚牆橺隔,包括601室完工後清拆602室會議房。To knock down gypsum board partition wall and brick wall as shown on floor plan that provided by customer. ( included to knock down conference room in 602 after renovation work of 601 was completed )

(2)清拆舊地毡。To take away existing carpet.

(3) 601全單位鋪地毡,連供應底膠,面毡則由客方提供。To lay carpet in the whole unit of 601, included to supply underlay. ( carpet provided by customer. )

(4) 地毡運輸費,由葵涌至601室裝修現場。Extra charge for carpet transport ( from Kwai Chung to the renovation site. )

(5) 全單位起牆紙,髹司那底油。To peel the wallpaper off the walls in the whole unit. to paint sealer before render.

(6) 全單位牆身批灰,髹兩層ICI啞面護牆乳膠漆。To paint two coats of emulsion with ICI Supreme matt in the walls in the whole unit, to do plaster work before to paint.

(7) 清拆玻璃幕牆窗底藏電線喉木板及補鋪地腳線共長40呎( 因內裏有些原有電制並無使用喉管,無法原封不動安裝新電制 ) 。To take down plywood cover under curtain wall glass that for conceal existing conduit. ( some existing socket without using conduit, can not install any more socket, so the cover must be take away.) reinstall new skirting board, 40 feet long totally.

(8) 全單位原有米色地腳線改髹低VOC白色水性手掃漆。To paint existing skirting board in white with low VOC water based paint.

(9) 全單位原有米色天花線改髹低VOC白色水性手掃漆。To paint existing ceiling border in white with low VOC water based paint.

(10) 清拆嵌於601室牆身之玻璃。To take down glass sheet that installed in the conference room in 601.

哇!知識長有很多粉絲呢! 十分感謝Baggio知識長費心指導,發問到期之前我將會選Baggio知識長為最佳,暫不把問題結束是希望其他有興趣學此類英語的人看到,我也不只一次見到有裝修從業者在知識+詢問英文報價單的寫法。


非常感謝F.P前輩的fine tune, 果然是一位工程界的專家,工程方面的terms十分熟悉,在此再三謝過。 我以前曾試過持報價單向一位教英語的老師朋友求助,她一見我的報價單就馬上說愛莫能助,因為terms太多。另一位熟悉英語的朋友雖然肯替我翻譯,但她卻把我的原意很多都搞錯了。 雖然 Baggio 知識長並非工程界中人,卻比我身邊的朋友譯得好得多,盡顯功架。 由於明言在先,而且F.P前輩亦作如是想,故順理成章選Baggio知識長為最佳。

回答 (3)

2010-07-27 8:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 依客方來圖所示,拆石膏板橺隔及磚牆橺隔,包括601室完工後清拆602室會議房。To knock down gypsum (no board) partitions (no wall) and brick wall as shown on floor plan (no that) provided by customer. ( including the knocking down of conference room in room 602 after renovation work of room 601 has completed )

(2)清拆舊地毡。To remove existing carpet.

(3) 601全單位鋪地毡,連供應底膠,面毡則由客方提供。To lay carpet in (no the whole) unit (no of) 601, including (no to) supply of underlay. Carpet to be provided by customer.

(4) 地毡運輸費,由葵涌至601室裝修現場。To bear (no extra) transportation cost of carpet from Kwai Chung to the renovation site.
(5) 全單位起牆紙,髹司那底油。To peel off the existing wallpaper of the the whole unit. and to paint sealer of the whole unit(no before render).

(6) 全單位牆身批灰,髹兩層ICI啞面護牆乳膠漆。To do plaster work of the whole unit and to paint two coatings of emulsion with ICI Supreme Matte after the plastering work.

(7) 清拆玻璃幕牆窗底藏電線喉木板及補鋪地腳線共長40呎( 因內裏有些原有電制並無使用喉管,無法原封不動安裝新電制 ) 。To remove 40 feet of plywood cover under the glass curtain that (no for) conceals existing electricity conduits; and to install new skirting board. (This work is essential since some existing sockets are not using conduit, which will hinder the installation of new sockets.)
(8) 全單位原有米色地腳線改髹低VOC白色水性手掃漆。To paint all skirting board (no in white) with low VOC water based white paint. (我想新安裝的地腳線也需要掃新手掃漆, 故改 “exising”作 “all”.)

(9) 全單位原有米色天花線改髹低VOC白色水性手掃漆。To paint existing ceiling border (no in white) with low VOC water based white paint.

(10) 清拆嵌於601室牆身之玻璃。To remove existing glass sheet (no that) installed in (no the conference room of) unit 601.
參考: Myself
2010-08-02 4:49 am
Hi Oliver,

Thank you for inviting me to look at your questions. Though not professional enough, Baggio's answer deserves the award of credit points. Please rank his/hers the best.

My comments are given below:

To knock down gypsum (no board) partitions (no wall) and brick wall as shown on floor......

(a) 'gypsum board partition' is correct, must retain the word 'board'. Check the material of wall: 紅磚is brick wall, 沙磚is block wall, 空心磚is hollow block wall.

(b) ....including knocking down conference room (602) after ........

(2)清拆舊地毡。To remove existing carpet.

(bb) To take up and remove ........

(4) 。To bear (no extra) transportation cost ....

(c) No need to use 'to bear'. Cost for transportation of carpet from .......

(5) To peel off .....

(d) To peel off and remove existing wallpaper of the whole unit. To apply sealer to walls of the whole unit prior to plastering.

(e) Note the use of verb: to paint the wall; to apply latex paint;
(f) 'to paint sealer' is chinglish.
(g) 'before render' is essential, but for interior it is plaster not render.

(6) To do plaster work of the whole unit and....

(h) 淨批灰無批盪不算plaster. 'to do plaster' is chinglish. the correct expression is to apply plaster, or simply to plaster the wall.
(i) Sealing to wall surface of the whole unit, and then apply two coats of ICI supreme matte emulsion paint.

(7) To remove .... under the glass curtain that (no for) conceals .... (j) 玻璃幕牆是 curtain wall, 不是 glass curtain

(8) To paint.... with low VOC water based white paint

(k) Please find out the proper English name of 水性手掃漆 from the supplier.

(9) 全單位原有米色天花線.....To paint existing ceiling border ...

(l) 天花線 is cornice, not ceiling border.

(10) To remove existing glass sheet......

(m) If the sheet glass is orignially part of the gypsum board partition, it is called 'glass panel'. If it is a kind of decoration on wall surface, it is called wall-mounted glass panel.
Remember: Rank Baggio's answer the best.
2010-07-27 5:23 am



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