be+BEING + ADJ(高人指點-難題) 20點

2010-07-26 9:59 am
想問甚麼甚麼形容詞才可以用上這樣的格式?例如she is being silly/stupid.又可否用上happy呢?例如she is being happy?又或者she is being beautiful?又或者可否用上she is being excited?she is being exciting.(having question after reading bolg of Siu English )

回答 (4)

2010-07-26 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
通常 "dynamic" 形容詞可以用 be+ being + adj 這個格式,而 "stative" 形容詞則不適合。

"dynamic" 形容詞是可以變動或選擇的,例如:silly, sarcastic, impatient, unreasonable, accommodating, helpful, mean, generous, unrealistic, happy... 等。

例子: Megan is being silly. 是合格式的。
Megan can choose to be silly, and can change her behaviour, to become serious.

"stative" 形容詞是大致不可以變動或選擇的,例如: tall, short, young, old, Chinese, Japanese, male, female ... 等。

例子: Megan is being tall. 是不對的 ,應該是: Megan is tall.
Megan is born to be tall, she didn't choose it, and can't change it.

不過,有時候可能分不清 [dynamic] 和 [stative] 形容詞。例如 "beautiful", "pretty", "ugly" 等,本是天生的,但後天的衣著,打扮,行為等,可以改變,所以也可以用作 [dynamic] 形容詞。另一方面, "single", "married" .. 等形容詞,雖然可選擇和可變,但在用時是 "statement of facts",所以用作 "stative" 形容詞。

2010-07-26 12:45:44 補充:
補充: silly, stupid, happy, beautiful, excited, exciting
適合 "be+being+adjective" 格式的形容詞,有 "by choice" 和 "can control" 的意思。 我們可以選擇,和控制去:being silly, being studpid, being happy (feel happy), being beautiful (dressed beautifully), being exciting (to act in a way to induce excitement in others).

2010-07-26 12:46:02 補充:
但是,being excited 大致是被人弄興奮的,不合這格式。不過,He is being excited 的 excited 不是形容詞,而是 verb, 是 present continuous tense 的倒裝式。
2010-08-08 4:07 pm
she is exciting "about"... - 她"對"...感到興奮

2010-08-07 8:59 am
I have been rich/ poor/ honest.



還有,have been 是強調過去至現在的時段, 拙見認為與中文的"曾經"並不對等。
2010-07-26 6:11 pm
基本上所有的形容詞也可以這樣being adj的,但是所形容的是一種當時狀態而不是永恆狀態的意思。同時如果是口語時有點是加強語氣的強調。


she is being silly/stupid. - 她所作的真是傻氣/愚蠢啊。
she is silly/stupid. - 她是傻/蠢的。

she is being happy. [甚少用但如果形容的意思沒有錯便可以] - 她表現得很快樂。
she is happy. - 她快樂。

she is being beautiful. - 她打扮得很美啊 / 她真是給人很美的感覺啊 / 她很有內在美啊[英語美麗還可以指人的內心]。
she is beautiful. - 她很美麗 [按內容直接指外在美/內在美的客觀現實]

she is being excited. - [留意這是被動句] 她變得興奮了。
she is excited - 她興奮。

she is being exciting. - [這句甚少見] 她在興奮的狀態中。
she is exciting "about"... - 她"對"...感到興奮。


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