grammar mistakes英文高手請進

2010-07-26 9:42 am
Look at sentences below. Rewrite them in correct grammar..I easy fall asleep in the classroom afternoon.There have many people in the supermarket today because sales.We had not expect the school play has high quality.The performing was totally disappointed.You fall in love motorcycle racing, aren't you?At firstly, they argued for everything.In my culture, my parents advice us not to comparing for others.I may be tempt to copy other people.I think the most suitable way by using 'disaster' to tell what the singing quality.I could not find out the idea of the drama, neither my mother nor my father.

回答 (3)

2010-07-26 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Look at sentences below. Rewrite them in correct grammar..I EASILY fall asleep in the classroom IN afternoon.There ARE many people in the supermarket today because OF sales.We DID not expect the school play has high quality.??The performing was totally disappointING.You fall in love WITH motorcycle racing, aren't you?At firstly, they argued for everything.In my culture, my parents advice us not to COMPARE WITH others.I may be temptED to copy other people.??I think the most suitable way IS by using 'disaster' to tell SOMEONE what IS the singing quality.I could not find out the idea of the drama, AS WELL AS my mother and my father.句子九成係自己作的吧?

2010-07-27 00:40:17 補充:
1.I EASILY fall asleep in the classroom IN afternoon.
2.There ARE many people in the supermarket today because OF sales.
3.We DID not expect the school play has high quality.??
4.The performing was totally disappointING.
5.You fall in love WITH motorcycle racing, aren't you?

2010-07-27 00:40:51 補充:
6.At firstly, they argued for everything.
7.In my culture, my parents advice us not to COMPARE WITH others.
8.I may be temptED to copy other people.
9.I think the most suitable way IS by using 'disaster' to tell SOMEONE what IS the singing quality.

2010-07-27 00:41:14 補充:
10.I could not find out the idea of the drama, AS WELL AS my mother and my father.

我肯定The performance was totally disappointed(不應用disappointed ,應用 disapointing)

仲有grammar mistakes is okay because noun can function as adjective.

2010-07-29 01:06:02 補充:
9.I think the most suitable way IS by using 'disaster' to tell SOMEONE what IS the singing quality.
改為9.I think the most suitable way IS by using 'disaster' to tell SOMEONE what the singing quality IS.
2010-07-27 10:42 pm









參考: 我
2010-07-26 4:33 pm
Hope this helps:
1. I easily fall asleep in the classroom during afternoons.
2. There are many people in the supermarket today because of the sales.
3. We did not expect the school play has such high quality.
We did not expect school plays have high quality.
4. The performance was totally disappointed.
5. You are falling in love with motorcycle racing, aren't you?
6. At first, they argued for anything.
7. In our culture, parents advise children not to compare with others.
8. I may be tempted to follow other people.
9. I think the most suitable word to describe the singing is "disaster".
10. I could not get the idea of this drama, neither did my mother nor my father.

2010-07-26 22:35:25 補充:
By the way, your title should read "grammatical mistakes", not grammar mistakes.

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