Help, we can't decide on names?

2010-07-26 12:42 am
I am pregnant with triplets, and I'm due in a week. They are all girls, and we can't decide on middle names. We already have a daughter named Lilly Camellia and a son named Ridge Storm, so the names need to fit with theirs. Please pick your favourite and least favourite out of each set. Thanks so much. Our last name is Amarin.

Iris Fleur
Iris Lavender
Iris Aster
Iris Clover *
Iris Magnolia

Bryony Freesia
Bryony Petunia
Bryony Lilac
Bryony Jasmine
Bryony Posey *

Leilani Pansy *
Leilani Calla
Leilani Petunia
Leilani Gardenia
Leilani Primrose

* - We are highly considering

Again, Thanks for the help

回答 (12)

2010-07-26 12:52 am
like flowers much? ;)

my favorite names from mix/matching:
Fleur Jasmine
Bryony Lilac
Leilani Rose

im sorry, but i highly dislike Posey and Pansy. not a big fan of Clover either.
i do like all of the first names pretty well though.
when in doubt just try to pick names that are easy to pronounce but still unique and beautiful

good luck!
2010-07-26 1:25 am
I think these combinations sound beautiful:

Iris Magnolia
Bryony Jasmine
Leilani Gardenia

My best wishes for the babies !
2010-07-26 12:56 am
Congrats! =)

Set 1-
Iris Fleur - My fave & I think it goes best with the other kids.
Iris Lavender
Iris Aster - They are were okay
My least faves were Iris Magnolia & Iris Clover

Set 2-
Bryony Freesia - My fave & I think it goes best with the other kids.
Bryony Lilac
Bryony Jasmine
Bryony Posey - They're alright
My least fave Bryony Petunia - I really do not like this one.

Set 3-
Leilani Calla - My fave & again I think it goes best with the other kids.
Leilani Pansy
Leilani Primrose - They're alright
My least faves were Leilani Petunia & Leilani Gardenia
2010-07-26 12:54 am
Iris Magnolia and Iris Clover are really pretty. If I had to pick one I'd pick Iris Clover. My least favorite out of those is Iris Fleur. It doesn't flow well to me.

Out of the second set my most favorite is Bryony Jasmine, and least favorite is Bryony Freesia. I like the spelling Briony more though. Bryony Posey is cute too, but they both end in 'y',

I love the name Leilani! My favorite out of those is Leilani Primrose. Second Favorite is Leilani Calla. I dont really like the name Leilani Pansy at all, and she may get picked on because of the "pansy" part. Hope I helped a little.
2010-07-26 12:49 am
Iris Lavender Amarin
Bryony Jasmine Amarin
Leilani Calla
2010-07-26 12:47 am
Iris Clover, Bryony Jasmine, and Leilani Primrose
2010-07-26 12:46 am
Iris Lavender
Bryony Jasmine
Leilani Calla
2010-07-26 12:45 am
congratulations! these are all gorgeous clever names as well. good luck.

1st set-
favorite: iris clover
least favorite:iros magnolia

2nd set-
favorite: byrony lilac
least favorite: byrony posey

3rd set-
favorite- leilani pansy
least favorite: primrose
2010-07-26 12:45 am
iris clover, bryony jasmine, & leilani pansy.
2010-07-26 12:46 am
Iris Lavender

Bryony Jasmine
Leilani Gardenia <-------------- My favorite!

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