Statistics Question

2010-07-26 7:00 am
5 dogs is to be selected from a group of 12 dogs, of which 4 male and 8 female.
The expectation of selecting a male dog, E(X) = a and Var(X) = b. Independently, 4 dogs is to be selected from another group of 10 dogs of which 6 male and 4 female. The expectation of selecting a male dog, E(Y) = m and Var(Y) = n. What is the expectation and variance of the total number of male dogs in the combined selection of 9 dogs? Is it E(combined) = a + m and Var(combined) = b + n ? Please prove.

回答 (3)

2010-07-27 3:32 am
2010-07-26 9:42 pm
E(combined) = a + m
E(X^2) = b + a^2
E(Y^2) = n + m^2
E(combined^2) = b + n + a^2 + m^2
Var(combined) = E(combined^2) - (a+m)^2 = b+n-2*a*m

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