Different of 'love' & 'loves'

2010-07-25 7:04 pm
What is the different in between of 'love' and 'loves'?
Which we should use when writing a message to your mum?
We should use from 'yours love xxx' or 'yours loves xxx'?

回答 (1)

2010-07-25 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. "Loves" is used for the informal letter format.
2. "Love"
3. It should be "from your beloved...."because "love"
is both a verb and a noun.

2010-07-25 13:16:36 補充:
"Beloved" is an adjective for "love".

2010-07-26 23:37:58 補充:

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