defining & non-defining clause

2010-07-25 1:45 am
1.我想問defining clause的次序是怎樣的呢?
(1) eg.The dog can play ball. I bought it last month.
a. The dog can play ball which I bought last month.
b.The dog I bought last month which can play ball.
c.The dog which I bought last month can play ball.
d.The dog which can play ball I bought last month.

(2) eg.The shop is quite near here. I work in the shop.

2.Mary is my old classmate.You have met her before.
一個句子可用2個relative pronous嗎?

3.The cat died yesterday.We had kept it for many years.
以上應用defining還是non-defining clause?

回答 (2)

2010-07-31 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以上的都是adject clause......(我未知啥是defining or non-defining clause.)

是subject 與verb之間,加挿relative clause作adj用,去形容 [先行詞]=subject.

Q1. The dog which I bought last month can play ball.

Q (2). The shop which I walk in is quite near here.

Q2. Mary who you have met (her) before is my old classmate who is a teacher. 阿瑪莉是subject,當然用who.........whom是用于object.

Q3. The cat which we had kept (it) for many years died yesterday.
..................那一只我們已養咗多年的 貓昨日死咗.
2010-07-25 5:02 am
(1). c

(2). The shop which I work in is quite near here.

2. Mary who you have met before is my old classmate.

3. It should be defining clause.

The cat which we had kept for many years died yesterday.

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