教我英文題目!!+20三天 急

2010-07-25 1:43 am
using (must,mustn't,have to,don't have)
1.Children go to school.
2.Millionaires work.
3.You to go to England if you want to learn English.
4.In Hong Kong,you drive on the left.
5.You pay bills.
6.You go out with your friends.
7.You tell your Mum and Dad where you are going.
8.Adults worry about paying the bills.
9.We bring mobile phones into class.
10.We do our homework.

回答 (3)

2010-07-25 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.children must go to school

2. millionaires have to work

3.you have to go to England if you went to learn English

4.In Hong Kong,you must drive on the left

5.You have to pay bills

6.you have to go out with your friends

7.you must tell your Mum and Dad where you going

8.adults don't have worry about paying the bills

9.we mustn't bring mobile phones into class

10.we do our homework
2010-07-25 2:53 am
no.10 is We must do our homework.
2010-07-25 2:38 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:23:38
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