uniform circular motion

2010-07-25 1:37 am
The wheel is rotating steadily. It takes half an hour to complete one turn. Suppose each cart carries passengers weights 400kg. It is connected to the wheel with a spoke of 50m long. Calculate the force supporting a cart by the spoke when the cart is at the lowest and the highest points of the circular.

回答 (2)

2010-07-25 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Angular velocity of the wheel = 2.pi/(30 x 60) radians/s = 3.49x10^-3 rad/s
[where pi = 3.14159...]

Centripetal force needed at the lowest point
= 400 x 50 x (3.49x10^-3)^2 N = 0.2436 N
Hence, 0.2436 = T - 400g
where T is the force exerted by the spoke, and g is the acceleration due to gravity, taken to be 10 m/s2 for simplicity

solve for T gives T = 4000.2436 N

At the highest point,
400g - T' = 0.2436
hence, T' = 3999.76 N

2010-07-25 8:42 pm
At the highest point,
400g - T' ?

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:32:24
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