
2010-07-24 7:58 pm
打算讀community college 再升去university


2.如果,讀完cc拎到足夠的GPA是否報任何university也可以,還是只可以報跟我讀的cc有聯繫的university ?

3.如果只有綠卡,可否得到公民學費優惠 ?

4.想得到政府的資助,是否要納稅? 如果要,有沒有限定至少要納多少稅 ?

5.得到政府資助,是否一定要讀suny的學校? cuny 可不可以 ?

thx ~

1.community college 不等於 university ? cc的course在cc讀 ? cc也有分 suny or cuny ? 而且,想知道那裡可以集中睇到nyc 既cc同u既infomation? 2.如果想學費全數資助是否到第二年便可以? 讀cuny也可以? thx~

回答 (4)

2010-07-24 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I don't understand what you are trying to mean. But in a simple way, community college is the first 2-year of university.

2. You can apply any universities as you want to. But your chance will be higher if you choose the one with linkage to your community college.

3. Not in the first year. But still you are eligible for financial aids, if you qualify.

4. No, it is based on need. As soon as your need can be established, financial aids are available to you.

5. No. Any schools can work. The only problem is how much you are going to get as financial aids.

2010-07-25 00:53:56 補充:
1. Yes. What exactly do you mean "cc的course在cc讀"? In SUNY and CUNY system, community college is integrated with the university. So in a simply way, both SUNY and CUNY has community college and university portion.

You can simply go to www.cuny.edu for detail.

2010-07-25 00:54:09 補充:
2. Again, it is based on your need. If you are determined that you have the ability to pay it, you still have to pay for it.
2010-07-28 8:50 am
hey, brother, you need 1 more year high school before you can enter any college wor...!!!

USA high school is 12 years term, and you are just done the 11 year .

even you holding the green card, you still have all the student benefits as US citizen when you apply college.

you will find it out yourself when you live here, ---------- you have a whole year in high school to find out more information about college through your school college office.

community college is part of University system, it is college as you call it.
just because CC hold most 2 years program course with AA and AS degree. it is no different with other colleges.

that is how college / university system works in here:

tech school, community college ( 2 to 4 years programs; AA/AS degree )
college ( most with 4 years programs BA /BS, + master MA / MS and doctorial degrees )
university ( 4 years BA/BS and master MA/MS and doctorial degrees and they contain medical school and / or law school )
university center ------ same as university but the size is bigger.

CUNY is college system sponsor by New York City.
SUNY is high education system sponsor by New York State
all together, NY state have 168 colleges.( grovernment and private )

2010-07-28 00:57:58 補充:
all the grovernment colleges in NY is about $5000 a year.

you may have school scholarship ( depend your high school GPA and SAT score ).

Financal aid by grovernemnt ( depend your family income ) ---- free,
student loan by grovernment ( depend your family income ) -------- have to pay back. .
2010-07-25 11:17 am
網址: http://www.life-guide.com.tw/item.php

1. 免費紫微斗數命格完整分析。
2. 免費易經占卜。
3. 免費姓名吉凶好壞鑑定、取名和改名。

2010-07-25 3:36 am
The State University of New York (SUNY)


The City University of New York (CUNY)


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