how big will our boston terrier lab mix get?

2010-07-23 8:32 am
We just got a puppy that is three months old. He is a bostion Terrier lab mix. How big should he get? What are these puppies like?

回答 (5)

2010-07-23 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Once more - buying a mix-breed puppy like this is a lottery in terms of size, coat, temperament, and yes, health. I imagine the eventual size will be something in between both the breeds that make up this puppy, but even every puppy in the litter will be different. My sister has a mix (rescued from the RSPCA) and I've met the brother who, although the same colour (which is why we got talking and I discovered who he was!!) is squat and looks like the Jackie in the mix. My sister's dog is much taller, and looks more like the Springer bit.

So how your puppy will end up is anybody's guess.

Who on earth did this breeding - if it was done intentionally!
2010-07-23 8:37 am
There is no way to tell with a mutt. It could take on temperament/size traits of a boston, or a lab, a mix of both, or none. The only thing you can be sure of, is that it will be at the smallest, the size of a largest the size of a lab.
2016-09-30 7:35 pm
Boston Terrier Lab Mix
2016-03-15 12:30 pm
Unfortunately you have two male terriers, neutered or not. So you'd be very lucky if sparks didn't fly on the odd occasion. It would normally have been best to castrate the least aggressive, in the hope that if the aggressive dog (the one who starts the fighting) gets no reaction whatsoever from the submissive dog, it goes no further than an initial challenge. I'm not sure who is the older dog, or the neutered one, or the one who is causing all this, but fact is as this is going on, you may either have to keep them apart other than when you are there to see the signs of impending War, or rehome one. Frankly living with two dogs who are always likely to get into it isn't pleasant, and there could come a time when you start to get some big vet bills for sewing them up. Castrating the other dog might work, but it might not - the only certainty with castration is no puppies. But as long as you have these two properly contained, that shouldn't happen in any case. ps If one, or both is around 6 months, this is the time when they will be sexually mature, and is the time when one will challenge the other unless the position of top dog is well established. If they were puppies together, it would have been possible for them to get along. But no longer.
2015-08-11 9:46 am
This Site Might Help You.

how big will our boston terrier lab mix get?
We just got a puppy that is three months old. He is a bostion Terrier lab mix. How big should he get? What are these puppies like?
參考: big boston terrier lab mix get:
2010-07-23 8:45 am
Ditto to the aboves!

There no way to tell in a mutt. No one knows which genes came out more in the puppy so its all completely unpredictable. Awesome for people who like surprises =]

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