chem reaction

2010-07-24 5:11 am
methybenzene同cyclohexane react with bromine water都form two layered solution:upper layer係orange,lower layer係yellow,點解會有呢2種colour?

回答 (2)

2010-07-24 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Methylbenzene and cyclohexane are non-polar organic solvents. These two non-polar organic solvents (methylbenzene and cyclohexane) are immiscible with water, which is the solvent of bromine water. The non-polar organic solvent (methylbenzene or cyclohexane) is in excess in the reaction. Therefore, the organic layer (the excess non-polar organic solvent) and the aqueous layer form two layers. As both the densities of methylbenzene and cyclohexane are less than water, the upper layer is the organic layer (methylbenzene or cyclohexane) while the bottom layer is the aqueous layer.

Bromine can dissolves in both the organic layer (methylbenzene or cyclohexane) and water. Bromine dissolves in non-polar organic solvents to form an orange solvent, while dissolves in water to form a yellow solution. (The colour of the yellow aqueous layer is paler than common brown bromine water because bromine is more soluble in organic solvents and thus only a small portion of bromine dissolves in water.) Therefore, the upper organic layer is orange, while the bottom aqueous layer is yellow.

2010-07-24 00:59:21 補充:
參考: andrew
2010-07-24 8:38 am
Methylbenzene + Br2(l) à no reactionCyclohexane + Br2(l) à no reaction Bromine water, its colour, is brown in colour in aqueous solution. Br2 molecules are non-polarà dissolve more readily in organic solvents than that of aqueous solutionà diffuse from the aqueous layer to organic layer(similar principle to solvent extraction)à yellow colour in aqueous layer & orange colour in organic layer P.S. cyclohexane & methylbenzene is less dense than aqueous layerThus, upper layer is orange in colour & lower layer is yellow in colour.

2010-07-24 00:41:15 補充:
估唔到比你快我一步 =]
參考: 撼頭埋牆

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