1. 唔知我有幾多錢免稅額??
2. 過海關時駛唔駛申報我既個人物品(菲林相機, NDSL, Notebook, 等)??
3. 如要申報, 我又無單無據, 可唔可以寫大概既價值, 或者報細數??
因為我部相機相當貴, 但係未必睇得出, 因為佢係菲林機, 大可以話佢係二手.
4. 咁耐無番去, 過海關時有無需要注意既地方??
Value limitation (CAN$10,000) Any single personal or household item (including an automobile) that is worth more than CAN$10,000 on the date you import it, is subject to applicable duty and taxes on the amount that is over CAN$10,000. 所以我的相機$6000加幣可以免稅嗎??