
2010-07-23 10:05 pm
1. be going to 同 will有咩分別?????
2.whom同 who有咩分別?
3.when 同while有咩分別?
4.點解visit唔會好似swim轉做 swimming 而轉做 visiting?唔會double啲?

回答 (5)

2010-07-23 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. "be going to" implies that somebody does something very soon.
"Will" implies that somebody does something in the future.

2. "Whom"is used when you explain an object in a sentence.
"Who" is used when you explain a subject in a sentence.
But, "whom" is often used now because we use "who"

3."When" implies someone does something in a moment.
"While" implies someone keeps doing something in a moment.

4. It's because of the principle of vowel.
When you see a verb including a vowel ( a,e,i,o,u ) at the end before
a consonant,you should write that verb in double-vowel form
like your example " swimming".

2010-08-01 10:27 pm
be going to 係將會去 will 係可能會去
when 係什麼時候, 何時 while係一會兒, 一段時間
參考: me
2010-07-24 12:36 am
1. be going to 同 will有咩分別?????
be going to係會去做
E.g.I am going to jog at the park.
e.g.Ben will go to UK with his family.
2whom同 who有咩分別?
e.g1. (用作疑問代名詞) 誰,什麼人
I know who you are and whom you represent.
--> 這裡的whom的意思是"I represent him/her"
2. (用作限定關係代名詞)...的人
I'll give my vote to the man in whom I have faith.
3. (用作非限定關係代名詞)他,她;他們,她們
My new neighbor, whom I introduced to you the other day, had a heart attack last night.
3.when 同while有咩分別?
以你所舉的例子來講 (1個長 action + 1個短 action), 用when或者 while 都可以的. 但要留意關鍵字在於"started", 如果沒有此字, "rain"亦可以係長action. 情況有變, 用法都需要改變去配合.
It started to rain = short action 但係
It was raining = long action
It started to rain while I was jogging. [CORRECT: 1 short action + 1 long action]
It started to rain when I was jogging. [CORRECT: 1 short action + 1 long action]
While I was jogging it started to rain. [CORRECT: 1 long action + 1 short action]
When I was jogging it started to rain. [CORRECT: 1 long action + 1 short action]
while 和 when
分別 (1) - 兩個長 actions
While I was jogging it was raining. [CORRECT: 1 long action + 1 long action]
When I was jogging it was raining. [INCORRECT: 1 long action + 1 long action] 當句子係要帶出兩個長actions同時發生, 就切勿用when, 要用while.
分別 (2) - 兩個短 actions
I thought of it just when you opened your mouth. [CORRECT]
I thought of it just while you opened your mouth. [INCORRECT]
分別 (3) - 當提及時間性的用詞 eg. 年歲或者人生中不同的階段
When I was a child we lived in Shatin. [CORRECT]
While I was a child we lived in Shatin. [INCORRECT]
We moved to North Point when I was fourteen. [CORRECT]
We moved to North Point while I was fourteen. [INCORRECT]
4.點解visit唔會好似swim轉做 swimming 而轉做 visiting?唔會double啲?
2010-07-23 11:04 pm
1. be going to和will都可以用來講述將來要做的事情,但be going to比will更有早已安排的意思,如:

  I am going to visit Japan 比I will visit Japan就更強早已安排好的意思


  Who took the peanut?(那個who就是took the peanut的主角)

  Whom do you want to speak to?(主詞是you,而whom只不過是受詞)


  The bell rang while I was watching TV.(這句不可說I was watching TV while the bell rang)
  但The bell rang when I was watching TV和I was watching TV when the bell rang)都可以

4.swim要加double m才轉做swimming而visit則不用,這是因為:


2010-07-24 10:10:17 補充:

2010-07-23 10:33 pm
1.be going to係指即將會去做...;will係指會...
e.g.: I am going to have a meeting.我即將會有一個約會.
I will have a meeting.我會有一個約會.
2.whom既後面要用subject(主語),即係I,we...;who後面就用verb/verb to be..
e.g.: A women whom I know is my aunt.那女的我知道是我的阿姨.
A women who has long hair is my aunt.那女的有長頭髮是我的阿姨.
3.when係用past tense;while係用continues tense!
e.g.: She is doing homework when I came home.她在做功課當我回到家.
She is doing homework while I am coming home.
e.g: swimming,travelling,planning...
hope I can help you;]
參考: 自己寫架全部都

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