English question

2010-07-23 5:11 pm
1. Please tell me the meaning of the following sentence in Chinese:-

Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Tung Choi Street. Stay on Tung Choi Street for half a block. It's on the left hand side.

2. 如果我想話行過兩條街就到 How to say in English please?

Please also make me a sentence using "intersection". I want to give direction to a tourist asking for a destination.

Thanks a lot for your help!

回答 (1)

2010-07-23 5:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Tung Choi Street. Stay on Tung Choi Street for half a block. It's on the left hand side.

直行, 過兩個街口, 到通菜街轉左, 沿通菜街行半個街口位, 目的地在左邊.

2. 如果我想話行過兩條街就到 How to say in English please?

(廣東話應該講兩個街口, 唔係兩條街) Walk straight ahead for two blocks

Please also make me a sentence using "intersection". I want to give direction to a tourist asking for a destination.

Please use junction instead of intersection.
The shop locates at the junction of Nathan Road and Jordan Road.

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