請問香港案例 盜竊(搶掠)案 與 搶劫案 之分別?

2010-07-22 11:03 pm
請問香港案例 盜竊(搶掠)案 與 搶劫案 之分別?

以下有啲例子可以舉例吓? 譬如話有個女子喺街度行, 有名男賊人靜靜地從該女子身後用手扯斷掛在女子頸項上嘅一條金鏈逃去, 咁嘅情況係屬於搶掠定搶劫呀? 又譬如話有個女子喺街度講電話, 有個男賊人從後將該女子推跌在地上以致手機跌在地上, 男賊人以此方式將手機搶走逃去, 咁又屬於搶掠定搶劫呀? 又譬如話有個女子用手揪住一個手袋行街, 突然有個男賊人騎住架單車駛經及用手搶走女子嘅手袋逃去, 咁又係屬於乜嘢罪行呢? 唔該曬!


我想問點解喺例子中,用括號括住的文字所表示的動作唔係搶劫罪中武力使用嗎? 1)譬如話有個女子喺街度行, 有名男賊人靜靜地從該女子身後 (用手扯斷)掛在女子頸項上嘅一條金鏈逃去, 咁嘅情況係屬於搶掠定搶劫呀? 2)又譬如話有個女子喺街度講電話, 有個男賊人從後將該女子 (推跌在地上) 以致手機跌在地上, 男賊人以此方式將手機搶走逃去, 咁又屬於搶掠定搶劫呀?


Lool 博士, 多謝你的說明,咁即是話如果有個女子用手揪住一個手袋行街, 突然有個男賊人騎住架單車駛經及用手搶女子嘅手袋時,該女子拿實手袋唔放,男賊人再度用力搶走手袋逃去, 咁就係搶劫案, 是不是?

回答 (3)

2010-07-24 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
請問香港案例 盜竊(搶掠)案 與 搶劫案 之分別?

Before answering your question let's just check what the law book say....

第210章 第9條 盜竊罪 (盜竊罪條例)

第210章 第10條 搶劫罪 (盜竊罪條例)

(1) 任何人如偷竊,而在緊接偷竊之前或在偷竊時,為偷竊而向任何人使用武力 ,或使或試圖使任何人 害怕會在當時當地受到武力對付 ,即屬犯搶劫罪。 (2) 任何人犯搶劫罪,或意圖搶劫而襲擊他人 ,即屬犯罪,循公訴程序定罪後,可處終身監禁

The key to the 2 law is in the Red Bolted Font.

The different between Theft (盜竊) and Robbery (搶劫) is the USE OF FORCE.
Bear in mind in law, it also cover the terror of be afraid of subject to forceful act, so it is the same to use force and threaten to use force during or before the commitment of the crime.

In your example, all of the (all 3) are simple theft. Or in Police Jargon, Snatch and Grab. All belong to theft category (盜竊罪) as no force or threat was apply to the victim

Let me put some example on you. The back story is again a Realtor and Her Open House.

A.) If a man pretent to be interested on the house and visited it in the Opening, but when he left, he grab the painting on the wall, it is theft .

B.) If a man pretent to be interested on the house and visited it in the Opening, after he left, he return and steal the painting, that will be theft (Breaking and Entering)

C.) If a man pretent to be interested on the house and visited it in the Opening, during the opening, he attack the realtor with a wine bottle he bought, then proceed with stealing the painting, that will be robbery .

D.) If a man pretent to be interested on the house and visited it in the Opening, during the opening, he threaten to attack the realtor in order to obtain the painting, it isrobbery .

E.) If a man pretent to be interested on the house and visited it in the Opening, during the opening, he use a knife to threaten/attack the realtor in order to obtain the painting, it is Armed Robbery

2010-07-24 13:57:05 補充:

This is a good question

In law, there is a term called "Mens Rea" (Meaning Guilty Mind)
And in your case, despite the result, it was not caused by the direct use of force, rather as a consequence of actions.

2010-07-24 13:58:34 補充:
IT would be hard to explain , so i just give you an example. You play or know how to play soccer right?

In a soccer game, in the situation of a defending playing tackling an atttacking player.

2010-07-24 13:59:42 補充:
It would not always result in a foul situation, that is, if the defending player were tackling the football and succeed, but resulting the attacking player being tackle too, the tackle will be legal, and no foul would be given

2010-07-24 14:00:50 補充:
But when the defending player, intentionally go after the attacking player, that will be with mens rea (Solely trying to tackle the player, but not the ball) then a foul will be given.

2010-07-24 14:06:16 補充:
apply to your case 1 and 2.

Case 1, the thief only aimed for the necklace and the fact that the thief does not initiate confontation with the women before, during and after the incident, it does not have a guilty mind to use force.

2010-07-24 14:07:16 補充:
However, if the thief does stop the women BEFORE then proceed to pull the necklace out, the action of stopping the woman would consider an initiate an confontation and a guild mind would be established.

2010-07-24 14:08:30 補充:
Case 2 is a bit tricky, as no one know wether the pushing part is what the theif intent to do (Only the thief knows), he could have agrue that is a crime of oppunitity, which he accidentally bump into the woman and steal her phone.,

2010-07-24 14:09:06 補充:
Typo : Thief not Theif......

2010-07-24 14:09:52 補充:
can type much more here, so i put my stuff in opinion section
2010-07-23 5:28 am


第210章《盜竊罪條例》第17條,即以欺騙手段取得財產 或金錢 利益,最高可處監禁十年!


如果是屬於你所講的 (搶劫)的話,則會用《盜竊罪條例》第10條來檢控,即是:



參考: 本人現只專責勞資案件,出入法庭數百次!
2010-07-23 1:16 am
兩樣野同辰組罪行, 只是進行形式唔同.

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