
2010-07-22 6:10 pm
一個動詞是否可以轉做名詞形式、形容詞形式、副詞形式?同樣地,其他三種詞類又是否可以轉做其他形式?怎樣轉?請舉些例子(至少10個)。最好說明有哪些種類的轉法,如加able, 加ly等。

回答 (2)

2010-07-26 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Forming nouns:
We can form nouns from adjectives, verbs and other nouns by adding -ness, -ty, -th, -ion, -ance, -ment, -ry, -dom, -hood, -ship, etc.(1) bright => brightness(2) able => ability(3) broad => breadth(4) civilize => civilization(5) disturb => disturbance(6) encourage => encouragement(7) discover => discovery(8) king => kingdom(9) child => childhood(10) friend => friendship 2. Forming verbs:We can form verbs from nouns and adjectives by adding en-, -en, be, -ize, etc. and also by changing the inside vowels.(1) able => enable(2) black => blacken(3) friend => befriend(4) colony => colonize(5) vacant => vacate 3. Forming adjectives:We can form adjectives from nouns and verbs by adding –ful, -less, -ish, -en, -ous, -some, -ive, -al, -able, etc.(1) beauty => beautyful(2) help => helpless(3) child => childish(4) wood => wooden(5) courage => courageous(6) quarrel => quarrelsome(7) decorate => decorative(8) critic => critical(9) favour => favourable 4. Forming adverbs:We can form adverbs from nouns, adjectives and verbs. Most adverbs end in ‘-ly’.(1) able => ably(2) dim => dimly(3) heavy => heavily(4) horror => horribly(5) magic => magically(6) one => once(7) obey => obediently(8) satisfy => satisfactorily Example: noun --- verb --- adjective --- adverb(1) adventure --- adventure --- adventurous --- adventurously(2) boast --- boast --- boastful --- boastfully(3) clearness --- clear --- clear --- clearly(4) delight --- delight --- delightful ---delightedly(5) enjoyment --- enjoy --- enjoyable --- enjoyably(6) fearfulness --- fear --- fearful --- fearfully(7) glory --- glory --- glorious --- gloriously(8) help --- help --- helpful --- helpfully(9) imagination --- image --- imaginative ---imaginatively(10) joy --- joy --- joyful --- joyfully
參考: by myself
2010-07-22 7:22 pm
I think you have to pay attention to those suffixes.


Unequivocal ----unequivocally ( this kind of adjective should
be added " lly" when changing into an adverb.)

Maintain ---- maintenance ( from a verb to a noun)

Simple ---- simplicity simplify ---- simplification
( from an adjective to a noun, from a verb to a noun)

Familiar ----- familiarize ---- familiarization
( from an adjective to a verb , a noun)

Care ---- careful / careless ---- carefulness
( from a verb to an adjective , a noun)

Specify ---- specific
(from a verb to an adjective)

Height ---- high ---- heighten ---- highly
(from a noun to an adjective, a verb, an adverb)

Joy ---- enjoy ---- joyfully ---- joyful
(from a noun to a verb, an adverb, an adjective)

Move ---- movement ---- movable
(From a verb to a noun, an adjective)

Hunger ---- hungry ---- hungrily
(from both a noun and a verb to an adjective, an adverb)

Hope that you find it useful.

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