my kitten was sick and won't eat?

2010-07-21 10:09 am
my kitten is 6 months old, she was sick yesterday and she has not eaten anything. she is usually really playful but she has been really lathargic. any ideas????

回答 (3)

2010-07-21 10:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
well, its flu season for kittens, as well as fly and worm season,
so check that she isn't sick or infested with anything and take her to the vet.
2010-07-21 8:18 pm
She might have eaten something she shouldn't have or she got some kind of disease. I would keep an eye on her and make sure she always has available food and water. Which mean keep her food and water bowl full in case she changes her mind. If it gets serious, take her to the vet to see whats wrong. hope i helped!
2010-07-21 6:42 pm
Try to tempt her with things like fishy canned cat food. Make sure she's getting water. If she's not drinking on her own, force a little in there with an eyedropper or oral syringe. If her symptoms continue for more than 2 or 3 days you need to call the vet.

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