What does it mean when a girl smiles while biting her nail?

2010-07-21 2:00 am
A girl in my college class smiled and bit her nail when I passed in front her. I like her but I just dont know what to think of it because Ive never had a girl do that before. Does she like me? Does she like me and shes just nervous? Have you ever done this if you're a girl?

She didnt bite the nail off she just bit down on the side of her mouth while smiling.


lol at Yahole. It was weird.


Also she didnt start this "act" until I started walking towards her. First she smiled and then bit on her nail.

回答 (8)

2010-07-21 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
She's probably nervous.
2010-07-21 2:19 am
Calcium deficient?
2010-07-21 2:09 am
Take a good look at your her nails and you will know for sure. Badly chewed nails indicate serious emotional status. If they are fine then it just a gesture that tells she is nervous. She may be nervous because of many things, just because she smile at you does not mean she wants to know you. Other body language have to be assessed AND what was she doing or thinking at that moment no one knows. We may assume a lot from small gestures so to be real accurate it's best to know her better and then decided whether she is what you are thinking.
2010-07-21 2:03 am
shes trying to act cute and friendly sometimes this means shes in love with you its like true love at first sight
2010-07-21 2:02 am
Yeah if a girl smiles at you and bits her nail(s) she likes you. She is nervouss. You should ask her out
2010-07-21 2:01 am
completely normal or trying to act cute
2016-03-28 12:49 pm
Its all about "Think Pink"! You wear the latest fashion tops like tubes and mini skirts. and u make your hair watever you want try on pink lipgloss or lipstick and be very make-up-py. most girly girls paint thier nails pink and are clean. they are freshh and most of them loves glitters and wanna sparkle like a star. they are always into fashion. example"High school musical" Sharpey is very girly girl. they wear high heels well and text ur friends and walk like catwalk have sleepovers and have fun with ur best friends talk about guys facial masks lol x
2010-07-21 2:05 am
lol. not really
she was biting her nails and you walked pass her. so she just smiled at you in a friendly way
2010-07-21 2:00 am
It means she's insane.

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