Is Calcium Carbonate soluble in water?

2010-07-20 10:32 am
I was just wondering about it...
Anyone help?

回答 (2)

2010-07-23 2:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
have you seen what happens to a pot after you use it too much
some precipitate like a chalk covers your pot it is made of magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate and their hydroxide
carbonate enters your drinking water when CO2 dissolves in water and generates carbonic acid
H2CO3 when you boil the water it vaporises and calcium carbonate precipitates in your pot
it dissolves very very little in water so little that when you vaporise some of your water in the pot the extra calcium carbonate percipitates
2010-07-20 10:35 am
very, very, very slightly. if it is a test question, say "no"
2010-07-20 11:56 am
Normally stated in tables of solubility to be INSOLUBLE. You certainly won't see any dissolve if you shake some with water in a test tube. Remember almost everything dissolves to some extent in water .. when you drink a glass of water, you also drink a minute amount of dissolved glass! But to all extent and puropses, we say these things are insoluble.

HOWEVER rain water dissolves calcium carbonate, as in the formation of caves in limestone [ a form of CaCO3]. This is due to carbon dioxide from air dissolved in the rain water. Ordinary water in contact with air also dissolves carbon dioxide, so all ordinary water will dissolve some calcium carbonate.

The simple answer is NO! it doesn't dissolve in water alone to any extent.

CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 ---> Ca(HCO3)2
參考: retired chemistry examiner
2016-10-17 12:08 am
Is Calcium Carbonate Soluble
2015-08-19 6:42 pm
This Site Might Help You.

Is Calcium Carbonate soluble in water?
I was just wondering about it...
Anyone help?
參考: calcium carbonate soluble water:
2010-07-20 1:53 pm
slightly soluble
2010-07-20 1:00 pm
there is a non-zero and non-trivial equilibrium value for the concentration of the two ions that make up the compound, so it is definitely not insoluble in water.

If you place calcium carbonate in pure water isolated from the atmosphere and later measure pH or calcium content, you will see a change. There will be dissolution, it might be very slow, depending on crystallinity (even crystal form) of the solid and other factors, but there will be dissolution with time. The compound is only weakly soluble, though it is measurably soluble.

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