London underground

2010-07-19 2:08 pm
I will travel to London for 3 days, I want to travel by London underground, but I don't know if I bought an oyster card or travel pass or not. I will go to Zone 1 and zone 2.
Which one is better for me? And how much do I need?

回答 (3)

2010-07-20 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當然係買Oyster Card啦, 你可以在任何一個Underground, tram站買Oyster card, deposit GBP3.00可以退回給你, 你亦可以於Underground站的top-up machine或售票處增值亦可! 不用每天都買travel card!

Oyster card有個叫price cap的功能,即是當你使用的車費到達與Travelcard day price相同的價錢,就不會再被扣錢!

例如: 你於星期六/日或其他off-peak時段乘搭zone 1-2的Underground, bus, tram, Travel card收費GBP5.60, Oyster card price cap都係GBP5.60, Oyster card每程(入閘+出閘)收費GBP1.80。
Oyster card的運作就係當你每程(zone 1-2)收GBP1.80, 咁第二程都係收費GBP1.80, 如果你這天再沒有別的地方要用Oyster card,咁你這天只係比咗GBP3.60。但係如果你繼續用Oyster card乘車,第三程依然會扣你GBP1.80, 但係第四程就會扣你GBP0.20, 之後第五程開始就不會再於你的Oyster card扣錢,除非你離開zone 1 & 2。
我問過站員有關Oyster card的使用,這是他解釋給我聽的!
2010-07-20 9:21 am
Well I personally would suggest you to get a Oyster Card no matter what, as the Oyster Card is far more flexible than Travelcard~~ More importantly is that Oyster Card daily capping rate is also cheaper than getting a Travelcard~~

Although you will mostly be staying in Zone1~2, but if you happen to go into the outer zone then Oyster Card would be much better~~ Oyster Card capping rate will cap the amount of money that will be deducted from your card, the rate depence on the zone you are working on and that once it reach its capping rate then all trips after will not deducte any money at all~~ Whereas for travelcard, the case is so much more different since you will be restricted on the zone of travel once your card is issued~~ If you happen to make any trip outside the zone you are allowed, then you will have to buy a new single trip ticket which could be very costly~~

For the Oyster Card, you can always refund at the end at any Underground station~~ So it seems far more convinent to use a Oyster Card than a travelcard these days~~
參考: Been living in London for 10yrs~~
2010-07-19 6:02 pm

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