i've booked an return tickets for flight to hongkong(Virgin Atlantic), can i change my return date?

2010-07-18 8:35 am
yes,,, If the ticket is confirmed , and i've paid it all already, can i change my return date? how much do they charge for panelty if im allowed to change? thanks a lot!!!
btw, the flights I've booked now is for: departing from sydney to hongkong on 12 of November, and returning from hongkong to Sydney on 2th of april,,,, guys,,, the reason why i wanna change was because my girlfriend really really want me to stay with here during new years eve,, and count down and stuff like that... so yeah again thanks very much for your help

回答 (6)

2010-07-19 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you bought a restricted ticket, then most likely you will have to pay a penalty to change and possibly even pay the difference in airfare price if the new departure date ticket costs more than the date you were originally scheduled to fly out. Call the airline and see what they have to say.
2010-07-18 9:48 am
Since nobody here knows the fare class and what the restrictions are based upon how heavily discounted your ticket is, call Virgin Atlantic which you'll have to do anyway to make any changes.

Depending on the ticket you bought, you may be allowed changes for no charge, for a fee or your ticket may not allow changes. Give Virgin Atlantic a call and you'll get your answer from the only people that can answer your question.
2010-07-18 9:44 am
You need to call Virgin Atlantic and ask them. Some tickets require you to travel on the outbound first before you can change t he return date for a fee, and some fares will trigger a complete rebooking of your entire ticket if you change it before you travel. The latter option would mean a cancellation of your ticket and then a rebooking.

Again, the airline or the travel agent will be able to help you if you bought it through a travel agency.
2016-12-15 8:34 am
Hong Kong's mix of feng shui and financing, trams and temples still amaze the tourist therefore let your self go and allow it to be probable with Hotelbye . In Hong Kong you'll consume some of the greatest food you've actually tasted, you will end up dazzled by the stunning harbor and you'll experience energized by a mix of the metropolitan, the rural and the maritime. If you're in Hong Kong you can't miss the Golden Bauhinia Square outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on the Wan Chai waterfront marks the unification of Hong Kong with the motherland. Also, in Hong Kong you will see the Symphony of Lights, you will surely get surprise by that great bit of art.
2016-10-29 7:47 am
Change Virgin Atlantic Flight
2016-04-17 5:52 pm
Call the toll free number for British airlines and ask them what to do.. More then likely you´ll have to speak with them or go to a local travel agency ( unless you bought the ticket online, then you have to call that company direct).. there may be a fee.. ( I´m not sure how much).. But just call them , the sooner the better... Good Luck & Take Care... Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

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