
2010-07-18 10:45 pm
1)live my in Shatin elder and parents my I sister with

2)stuny Shatin Schook and I F.1 at am in I

3)our starts lesson 8:30a.m. first at

4)reading like my playing free basketball in and time I

5)school we ofter after go library the to

回答 (5)

2010-07-20 9:05 pm
1) I live in Shatin with my parents and my elder sister.
2) I study in Shatin School and I am at F.1. (what is Shatin School?)
3) Our first lesson starts at 8:30a.m.

4) I like playing basketball and reading in my free time.

5) We go to the library after school often.
參考: hkslot
2010-07-18 11:22 pm


2010-07-18 11:11 pm
1) My elder sister and I live in Shatin with parents.

2) 您係咪打左字 ? 唔知您D詞係咩意思...

3) Our first lesson starts at 8.30a.m.

4) I like reading and playing basketball in my free time .

5) We often go to the libreary after school .

plus ... 第5題 您個OFTER 應該係OFTEN ... RIGHT?
之後再幫您 ;]
參考: myself
2010-07-18 11:10 pm
1) I live in Shatin with my parents and my elder sister .

2) I am in F.1 and I study at Shatin School.

3) Our first lesson starts at 8:30a.m..

4) I like reading and playing basketball in my free time.

5) We often go to the library after school.

2010-07-18 15:11:07 補充:
stuny = study
schook = school
ofter = often

Hope that you will find it useful.
2010-07-18 11:03 pm
1) I live in Shatin with my parents and my elder sister .

2)stuny=study schook=school
I am in F.1 and I study in Shatin School.

3)our first lesson starts at 8:30.

4)I like reading and playing basketball in my free time.

we often go to the library after school.
參考: me

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